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Wave Power Standard Deviation of Long-term Mean, 2000-2013

Wave power is a major environmental forcing mechanism in Hawai‘i that influences a number of marine ecosystem processes including coral reef community development, structure, and persistence. By driving mixing of the upper water column, wave forcing can also play a role in nutrient availability and ocean temperature reduction during warming events. Wave forcing in Hawai’i is highly seasonal, with winter months typically experiencing far greater wave power than that experienced during the summer months.This layer represents the standard deviation of maximum daily time series of Wave power (kW/m) from Jan 1 2000 to Dec 31 2013. Data were obtained from the International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa SWAN model (Simulating WAves Nearshore) following Li et al., (2016).Li, N., Cheung, K.F., Stopa, J.E., Hsiao, F., Chen, Y.-L., Vega, L., and Cross, P. 2016. Thirty-four years of Hawaii wave hindcast from downscaling of climate forecast system reanalysis. Ocean Modelling 100:78-95.This layer was developed as part of a geospatial database of key anthropogenic pressures to coastal waters of the Main Hawaiian Islands for the Ocean Tipping Points project ( Ocean tipping points occur when shifts in human use or environmental conditions result in large, and sometimes abrupt, impacts to marine ecosystems. The ability to predict and understand ocean tipping points can enhance ecosystem management, including critical coral reef management and policies to protect ecosystem services produced by coral reefs. The goal of the Ocean Tipping Points Hawaii case study was to gather, process and map spatial information on environmental and human-based drivers of coral reef ecosystem conditions.
Ocean Tipping Points Project
Hawaii and Pacific Ocean
Marine ecology, Marine ecosystem management, Marine ecosystem health, Chlorophyll, Coral reefs and islands, Environmental impact analysis, Climatic changes, Coastal ecosystem health, Waves, Ocean wave power, Oceans, Environment, and Utilities and Communication
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