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Sediment Export to Nearshore Waters

This raster data layer represents sediment plumes originating from stream mouths and coastal pour points. The Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model for sediment retention was modified for the Main Hawaiian Islands, parameterized, and run for each of Main Hawaiian Islands (Falinski et al. 2015, in prep). Results from this model were aggregated into larger drainage areas that flow to single coastal pour points. From these points sediment was dispersed offshore using the Kernel Density tool in ArcGIS with a 1.5 km search radius. The resulting raster depicts simplistic sediment plumes with units in tons of sediment per year, per hectare.This layer was developed as part of a geospatial database of key anthropogenic pressures to coastal waters of the Main Hawaiian Islands for the Ocean Tipping Points project ( Ocean tipping points occur when incremental changes in human use or environmental conditions result in large, and sometimes abrupt, impacts to marine ecosystems. The ability to predict and understand ocean tipping points can enhance ecosystem management. The goal of the Hawaii case study of the Ocean Tipping Points project was to gather, process and map spatial data on environmental and anthropogenic drivers of coral reef ecosystem states. Understanding direct anthropogenic drivers is critical for coral reef management and implementing policies to protect ecosystem services generated by coral reefs.
Ocean Tipping Points Project
Hawaii and Pacific Ocean
Coastal sediments, Runoff, Coast changes, Marine ecology, Marine ecosystem management, Marine ecosystem health, Environmental impact analysis, Coastal ecosystem health, Oceans, and Environment
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